Thursday, May 2, 2013

read this!

Friday, November 30, 2012

113012 - Grammar Rant

I have never blogged before, but I decided that I need to get out a few random rants daily to save my sanity.

Here's today's:

1) it is called an·verb /advrb/Noun: A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a phrase, expressing a relation of place, time,... ie: "my day ended pretty wonderfully" ( not wonderful.)
2) Ending sentences with prepositions = nails on a chalkboard..... For example: "where are they at?" or "where did you go to?"
3) In regard to, not in regardS to
4) Stop telling me you will research it and revert back to me..... you can not revert back to me.... you were never me in the first place
5) It's a laptop not a lab top.... You are not a scientist
6) Repeat that bears re-posting.... only time "same difference" works is in math
7) Irregardless is not a word. You're basically saying without without regard... stutterer
8) Prefacing sentences with the phrase "go ahead and"..... I'm not sure whether or not this is grammatically incorrect in anyway but bugs the heck out of me
sorry, Inner English Major escaped.....end rant